Research Advisor:
Megha Padi, PhD, Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Research Topic:
I'm striving to generate predictable and interpretable drug response models via Bayesian Networks. Ideally, these models will be used to enhance cancer therapeutics by better identifying which treatment regimen a cancer patient should receive based on the molecular profile of their tumor.
Previous Institution:
BS, Bioinformatics, Brigham Young University
Lab Rotations:
Dr. Ryan Gutenkunst, Dr. Yves Lussier
What did you do between undergraduate and graduate school?:
Worked as a bioinformatician for Wasatch Scientific from 2015 - 2016.
What do you do outside of lab?:
Spend time with my wife and kids, play videos games, and search for treasure.
What service opportunities do you engage in?:
I serve in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.